Commercial Lawyers Solicitors in Melbourne

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Know How Employment Lawyers Can Keep Clients Safe Against Employers

Employment lawyers specialise in all employment-related case. People who believe they are wrongfully terminated, sexually harassed, treated unfairly, discriminated etc, and want to file a case in the court of law, would need a lawyer in this field.

The solicitors, who have expertise in employment rules and regulations, handle all issues related to worker’s compensation and generally deals with franchises for sale and other business issues. These lawyers not only represent their clients in the court but also advise them on how to deal with various situations that they come across in their workplace. The experts also prepare all the documents and collect evidence to present arguments in their favour in front of the judge.

The main duty of the lawyer is to remind their clients of their employment rights that the government has granted them legally and help them restore them. They work towards getting justice for indiscrimination or injustice towards their client. They try to get maximum compensation for the harm caused.

The common task the employment lawyers do for the employers is drafting of policies and informing the employees and management about the various federal and anti-discrimination laws. They inform both the parties about how discrimination based on race, colour, sex, national origin, disability, can cause problems and would need professional representation in the court. Such cases would put the company is bad books and affect the business significantly.

Most ‘employment law’ matters would need a claim filed in the ‘Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’ or other government agency before an employee can pursue a private course of action. The solicitors can guide their clients in filing their complaint in the appropriate organisation and explain the time limit in which the claim should be made.

These barristers not only help in filing a case against the employer but also help clients in defending themselves against the case filed by the employer. It is better to employ an experienced professional to get the desired result.

Location: Melbourne VIC, Australia


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